Coral Reef Restoration Projects

We love corals! 

And we want to restore them with your help, and with the support of a group of biologists/ocean warriors. 

That's why we've partnered with Cozumel Coral Reef Restoration Program A.C to continue learning about Coral restoration.

The head of this program is Dr. German Mendez, an amazing human/marine biologist in the Mayan Riviera.

He has been restoring corals since 2013 through that program, and because of his passion for corals and the ocean he has teach us all about taking care of coral reefs.

Our objectives:

1. To collaborate with monthly cleanups of restoration/nurseries areas and fragmentation pickups.

2. Help expand current nurseries and restoration areas.

3. Help marine biologists monitor and gather data during coral spawning season every year, plus help collect gametes or sex recruits from corals to help them reproduce in the lab, with the objective to reintegrate these coral colonies to the reef.

4. Create new nurseries /restoration areas in the Mayan Riviera.


5. We are working towards having our own restoration program with a 100% organic technique, that will allow rehabilitation become more scalable. 

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