Decken Kodeak | Collaboration artist

decken kodeak artist


Decken is such a unique artist, even his name has a unique story, it comes from a place he used to play when he was 6 years old, this place was filled with rocks where the ocean crashed and the water exploded, creating a unique sound that he named Decken.

He is currently 32 years old, a very well recognized artist and a human devoted to create beautiful art that moves people and motivates them to go within each and one of the humans his art reaches.

His art comes from an evolution of experiences through time and it all started at a very young age when he was around 10-12 years old. He used to work with his dad as a tour guide and every day they took tourists to the reef, right about that time he got to know all about graffiti and got hooked, specially because he wanted to paint the colors and shapes he saw every day at the sea.

Today, through his art he consciously tries to take people to a series of different worlds, using his creativeness as a window to these landscapes, a trip to a place where reflexion and analysis is encouraged, a place of struggle, war and consciousness within ourselves.

This world that Decken describes, is from the god of war from our Mexican native culture, which we can observe in his early work "Los jardines de Huitzilopochtli “ . For Decken, a hummingbird is a character filled with symbolism, culture, ideology and action. This was the symbol that he found after living a dangerous experience  on a trip to central America, through this he knew his "own garden" and his personal struggle to reinvent himself, in order to create better actions for him and his surroundings. 

These gardens, have a mix of all of Decken's values, culture, struggle, natural surroundings, colors, landscapes, and also a little bit of fiction of that can be our future if we don't take care of our natural world.

For Decken, seeing an ocean with colorless and lifeless reefs is saddening. For him the reef is part of his home and his love for his home was key to collaborate with us and help us raise awareness and help restore the reefs.

If you want to check out more work of this talented artist, go ahead and click on the icons below or visit his website to purchase his art, his work will blow your mind!

decken kodeak  decken kodeak artist facebook